Our Knowhow
We combine scientific excellence in the fields of
- Earth observation
- Remote sensing
- Bioprocess engineering
- Biotechnology
- Bioreactors for Earth and Space
- Development of processes and tools utilizing microorganisms in harsh environments
- Providing solutions for Life Support Systems
- Implementation of space technologies servicing our applications

Green Earth
The Vegetation Cataclysm
- 4-6 Million km2 deserted globally
- 25% of arable land prone to desertification
- 70.000 km2 arable land lost every year
- 42 Billion € of economic damage due to loss of agriculture production per year
The Humanitarian Cataclysm
- 250 Million people in Africa depend on external food supply
- Available work in agriculture reduced by 10% in the past 30 years
- 26 Million migrants within Africa (doubling between 2008 and 2017)
The Climate Cataclysm
- Content of CO2 in atmosphere has raised from 300 to over 400 ppm within 20 years
- Global sink capacity reduces each year (desertification, forest fires, …)
- Global temperature will increase 5-6 degrees without massive CO2 reduction– with major decarbonisation efforts by 2 degrees (IPCC)

- - Creation of Biological Soil Crusts (BSC) through spraying biomatrix on deserted land
- - BSC will become the basis for arable land / local food production and forest plantations
Interested in learning more about this topic?
Visit the GreenEarth Community: www.greenearthprogram.org

- - Unique mix of 28+ different algea and bacteria
- - Developed over the past 3 years (no GMO and no toxic parts)
- - Unique layering approach
- - Cheap in production and provisioning / utilisation
- - CO2 sinks created where no vegetation before
- - CO2 uptake compared to trees (9 out of 10 planted trees die) ensured with a few months
- - Cost per ton CO2 low compared to technical method (10€ to 500€)
- - Remote sensing based identification of areas of interest, best timing, best treatment approach and monitoring of success (basis for billing)
Closed Loop / Life Support Systems
We want to become the indispensable partner for:
- Human space flight and settlement on other celestial bodies
- Smart material design and processes from organic waste
- Recycling of urine for food and oxygen production
We develop Life Support System technologies
We want to transfer this know-how into
successful commercial Earth services
From organic waste to material for 3D-printing
-Extension of closed loop functionality
-Screening of waste resources
-Valorization of waste to raw materials
-Additive manufacturing
-Design of applications
-Testing biodegradability
Biorat-2 Urine nitrification for space
-Concept study of a space onboard demonstrator
-Elaboration of requirements
-Elaboration of the lab breadboard model
-Testing of critical functions