Our Vision

We want to become a global leader in bio engineering developing and using earth and space technology for the benefit of mankind.

Our Mission

We select and grow microorganisms (bacteria, micro algae, fungi, lichen and their combinations) that can adapt to and change many environmental conditions on Earth, support life during crewed space missions and on other planets.

Our Knowhow

We combine scientific excellence in the fields of

- Earth observation

- Remote sensing

- Bioprocess engineering

- Biotechnology

- Bioreactors for Earth and Space


- Development of processes and tools utilizing microorganisms in harsh environments

- Providing solutions for Life Support Systems

- Implementation of space technologies servicing our applications

Green Earth

Green Earth Program

Reduction of Desertification, Creation of Arable Land & Building of CO2 Sinks


The Vegetation Cataclysm

  • 4-6 Million km2 deserted globally
  • 25% of arable land prone to desertification
  • 70.000 km2 arable land lost every year
  • 42 Billion € of economic damage due to loss of agriculture production per year

The Humanitarian Cataclysm

  • 250 Million people in Africa depend on external food supply
  • Available work in agriculture reduced by 10% in the past 30 years
  • 26 Million migrants within Africa (doubling between 2008 and 2017)

The Climate Cataclysm

  • Content of CO2 in atmosphere has raised from 300 to over 400 ppm within 20 years
  • Global sink capacity reduces each year (desertification, forest fires, …)
  • Global temperature will increase 5-6 degrees without massive CO2 reduction– with major  decarbonisation efforts by 2 degrees (IPCC)


  • - Creation of Biological Soil Crusts (BSC) through spraying biomatrix on deserted land
  • - BSC will become the basis for arable land / local food production and forest plantations



Interested in learning more about this topic?

Visit the GreenEarth Community: www.greenearthprogram.org


  • - Unique mix of 28+ different algea and bacteria
  • - Developed over the past 3 years (no GMO and no toxic parts)
  • - Unique layering approach
  • - Cheap in production and provisioning / utilisation
  • - CO2 sinks created where no vegetation before
  • - CO2 uptake compared to trees (9 out of 10 planted trees die) ensured with a few months
  • - Cost per ton CO2 low compared to technical method (10€ to 500€)
  • - Remote sensing based identification of areas of interest, best timing, best treatment approach and monitoring of success (basis for billing)

Closed Loop / Life Support Systems

We want to become the indispensable partner for:

- Human space flight and settlement on other celestial bodies

- Smart material design and processes from organic waste

- Recycling of urine for food and oxygen production

We develop Life Support System technologies

We want to transfer this know-how into
successful commercial Earth services


From organic waste to material for 3D-printing

-Extension of closed loop functionality

-Screening of waste resources

-Valorization of waste to raw materials

-Additive manufacturing

-Design of applications

-Testing biodegradability

Biorat-2 Urine nitrification for space

-Concept study of a space onboard demonstrator

-Elaboration of requirements

-Elaboration of the lab breadboard model

-Testing of critical functions


Jochen Harms

Ines Wagner
Bioprocess Engineer

Martin Cerff
Bioprocess Engineer

Olga Spang
Remote Sensing and GIS Specialist

Jessica Friedrichs
Remote Sensing and GIS Specialist

Pia Swatkowski
Bioprocess Engineer

Marvin Braun
Bioprocess Engineer

Andreas Burr
Soil Biologist